Friday, May 14, 2010

Brotherly Love

I was speaking to Sam the other night after he had received 4 shots from the doctor earlier in the day. These were I guess his 5 year shots in preparation for kindergarten next year. He was still a little sore, and I was just trying to make conversation with him by telling him about Anabelle getting her shots only a couple of weeks earlier. I told him it must have hurt for her too, and then I asked him “Who would you rather get the shots, you or Anabelle?” He quickly replied “Anabelle”.

I then asked him again, this time emphasizing that it would hurt his little sister a lot, “Are you sure you would want that…then asked again so Who would you rather get the shots?” He looked really saddened as he thought of his previous answer, but then smiled a little and looked up at me and said “Dave”.

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