Magan was right, it was a perfect day for pictures, and I think our family accounted for about 25% of the people in the gardens, so we had plenty of room to take pictures wherever we wanted. Other than Davis pitching a “I’ve just woke up” fit when we first began pictures, the pictures went great.

Sam and Davis got to run around the paths, even finding a few “secret passages”. They also liked playing in the middle near the Belingrath Home…they had several fountains that were “pooting” their water up. Sam thought it was fun jumping across the shallow water flowing from one fountain to another, and Davis was scared but wanted to try as well. He ran up to the edge and then backed away. Finally when away from me and Magan, I saw him muster up enough courage to make the jump and he made it! He looked around and saw me watching and smiled. I gave him a thumbs up. Then he turned around and tried again, this time landing in the water with one foot. But like I said it was shallow, and he just kept going.
Belingrath Gardens was also one of the places Magan and I went on our Honeymoon, and since this was our 9th anniversary trip, it was neat to see the many places we stopped and took pictures 9 years ago. Here are some pics from 2001, then from 2010. :)

Towards the end of the trail, Magan and I were taking pictures of Mrs. Belle, so Sam took the opportunity to take some pictures with the little camera. He had a blast, and certainly has some of the artistic side from his Mom. :)
And in the end we were the last ones out, we went back to our car, and drove back to the hotel. Sam and Davis were excited to Swim in the pool…then after getting them in bed (they slept together on the sofa bed), Magan put Belle in the pack and play in our room, and we collapsed.

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