Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween 2010

How great was the weather this year for Halloween? It was great! We had an exciting day that began with a Trunk or Treat with our friends from church. We had a great pot luck meal then began trunk or treating.

Our costumes…Magan was Mary and Belle was her lamb. I was the clock, and Davis was the mouse running up the clock. And Sam was a little brown bear (At the last minute he wanted to be a spy bear like Oso, but we did not have a vest). MaMaw made or helped with pretty much all of the costumes.

Later that evening we went to one of our church friend’s house to trick or treat the neighborhood. We only lost Davis once (when we finally found him, he was at a door trick or treating still), and only lost Sam once (only briefly then found him with the group from church). Anabelle was strapped in which made her more difficult to lose.

And the boys were super excited to show all of the candy they received.

I just added the pictures below because Belle and Davis were dressing up...just not in their halloween costumes. Belle below is wearing her pippi longstocking pigtails while sporting her Davis smile. And Dave is wearing the suit I wore when I was a little'un.

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