Another Christmas come and gone. We began our Christmas family gatherings at Judy's on the Friday before Christmas. And Nanny made some great food and it was just as good as always, even with her scaring us and having to get a new battery for herself earlier in the week. We love our Nanny and glad to see her doing well, and laughing with everyone.

Our first Christmas with Miss Stella, and I had to seriously filter down the pictures at this point, as Magan took about 200 of that cutie.

I believe that is Marcus under the pile

yes, That is me sleeping. OK, I eat, and it makes me sleepy.

Yo Mickey, it's your birthday. Just what our little girl needs...a dance Mickey. I've got to admit, it is pretty cute. And Belle and Davis like to break it down at our house every once and awhile.

Davis and his best buddy Addy. Don't know how they get along so well, but you can't separate these guys when they get together. And Magan surprised her mom with the vases from the antique store that Judy had really wanted while staying down with us earlier in the month.

Marcia made the coolest gifts. Our very own "Mijagido Karate" headbands. Above is the crouching L stance, then below I am in the crane kick position ready to put Johnny down. Sam has the sweep leg ready, Davis has the right hand ready for the tiger punch, and Jude has the hiddle left arm attack position.
And the "Give me a Heart Attack" award of the day goes to Sam who received a new remote control amphibian vehicle that not only goes on the road, but you can drive it through a pond. And I know now, and should have known then, that Sam sometimes gets things in his head that would be neat, and doesn't really think about anything else...So our Nanny has a really big pond....and as everyone was enjoying the presents, Miranda happened to be outside looking for Jude and Sam...both nowhere to be found. Then she starting walking towards the pond, and she said about the time she saw Sam and Jude, she saw Sam go down in the water to get his RC vehicle that was driving in the pond. So she ran to get him, he was OK, but his pants and boots were soaked. Sam and I had a long conversation about how this was not a good idea.
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