Boisterous....if I could describe Davis in one word, that is the first one that comes to mind. Here is what it means: Noisy, energetic, and cheerful; rowdy
Hahaha, does that fit him to a T or what!?!?!?
Those big brown eyes and long lashes are full of energy and love. He is full force most of the time whether it be that he is over flowing with happiness or whether it be that he is melting to the floor with the latest trauma. He is very in tune to how people feel and is normally very polite and can make a friend in one minute flat. He remembers pretty much EVERY detail and still blows my mind when he mentions things that happened two years ago and remembers the smallest details of the story and every where we went. I think he is going to be a romantic and when he gets married he will remember the little details of their first date without having to write them down. :)
Speaking of the ladies in his life at the moment, first of all there is his MOMMA! And I hope I am first for a long, long time, lol He gives me kisses and hugs and nose kisses and ALWAYS climbs in my lap after his naps. He loves to tell me when I smell good but also when I am stinky. He tells me when I look pretty to him and notices when my hair looks "beautiful" or when I get a new shirt. He tells me that I am in "love" with dad and that we shouldn't kiss in front of him. He whispers in my ear that he "loves me and likes me, all the time, to above Heaven and back". Last time I walked through his room while he was standing in his underwear (both boys wear their underwear around the house as MUCH as possible, it is the CUTEST, but I make them get dressed sometimes, lol), I walked by him and kissed him on the back of his neck he said "I love you too mom" He felt the love without my saying a word. He loves for me to tickle him and cuddles with me in bed in the mornings. I want to bottle him up and pour him over pancakes when he is in his sweet moods, b/c it really doesn't get much sweeter.
The second lady in his life is Miss Frisby from his book/movie. He LOVES mice and Miss Frisby is his favorite. He watched the movie with her in it and told his dad on the part where she was coming out of the water and she flipped her hair back that "Dad, she looks so pretty with her hair like that" He also woke up the next morning and told his dad that he dreamed about her and "We were walking through the park holding hands and then we looked down and we had the same shirt on, so we laughed and laughed."
Next would have to be the girl in the Bears class across the hall. He told me that "She wears the prettiest clothes and I always look at her in the hall." But he has never got to talk to her b/c they aren't suppose to talk in the hall. :)
Maybe the fourth lady would have to be a tie between Pam and Ginger. He sits with Pam every time we let him at church and Pam has latched on to him since he was a tiny baby. She wrote to me in a card recently, "p.s. Can I have Davis?"
Ginger is his teacher who tells me stories from class all of the time. He loves to WHISPER(be against the other kids' ear talking in the loudest whisper voice you have ever heard) the answers. She also told me "If your middle one goes missing you better come check my house, b/c I am pretty sure I will have stole him."

Davis gets all fired up til he thinks he's going to "blow up" but within one second of getting it off his mind he is the happiest kid you ever met. Case and point, Scott had about a 5 minute discussion with him when he got him out of the car over something he did wrong and as soon as Scott finished he said in one breath "Yes sir, Hey did you know that Polar Bears can swim?" He already forgot why he had gotten into trouble, lol
I have to throw this story in before I forget. We went for his 5 yr old check up and he did great, until.....Dr. Jamie came in the room trying to help and says "Hey Davis, to go to big school you have to get just a few little SHOTS." As soon as he heard that word he started melting into my arm. The nurse came in with the shots and told me to pull his pants down so she could give him the shots. He starts SCREAMING and crying and will NOT let me pull his pants down. There was no reason to try and talk to him about it b/c he couldn't hear me if I tried. I apologized to the nurse who escorted Belle out of the room to the other nurse so she wouldn't be traumatized. I asked for some help and held him by the arms so that she could pull his pants down and as soon as she went to pull them down he did the splits in the air and she couldn't get them down. She said "Wow he is strong" She had to go back out and get the third nurse who had been watching Belle to help us. We got him on the table I held his hands and looked at him in his face to tell him he was o.k. and he needed to calm down, she pulled his pants down while the third nurse gave shots and held his legs still, lol It reminded me of when we were trying to cap Sam's front tooth! It was AWFUL! What is so funny is that he thought he only got one shot but he actually got FOUR! Then once we got through them, he said he couldn't walk and it took me leaving the room to get him to follow me out. He made sure everybody at church that night knew that he had gotten a shot in his knee and that they should all feel sorry for him :)
Speaking of knees, that is pretty much his on going complaint for when he doesn't want to do something "my knees hurt"
He started preschool this year to get him ready for big school and he LOVES the social part but VERY much struggled with the writing and sitting still part. Bless Mrs. Cheryl, I know she has had to work hard with him. He couldn't write his name AT ALL at the first of the year and then he went to writing random letters all over the line, they all belonged in his name, he just didn't know they had to be in order. Finally got them in order and now he is still struggling with getting that s to go the right way. He got Junkin pretty fast, I have to admit, I couldn't believe it, but I was Proud of him! I think he'll catch on pretty quick especially with the memory he has, I think it is partly maturity levels and not wanting to sit still :)
I have one more story, but it has been a long time since this happened, so my memory may not be completely acurate. I wrote myself a note about it and really want to add it in here anyway. He was eating peeps last year and he LOVED them. He came to me and really wanted the rest of the peeps in the box. To convince me that he should be allowed to eat them he said "mom those peeps miss their friends that are in my belly" Yes, he got to eat the rest and let his peep friends reunite, lol
Lastly, he loves the scout on Up, laughs out loud at him, he loves stuffed animals, always calls alligators "crockidators" and the elevator is "alligator", he loves his blue and like Sam who doesn't want Lotso to stink, he doesn't like for his blue to stink. If you are ever sitting on the ground, you can count on Davis to JUMP on your back and squeeze your neck. He always puts his shoes on the wrong feet and loves his best friends Ade and Tyler. Did I mention he has a bottle cap collection? If he knows of something you need or want, he will try to give it to you if he can. (As long as you aren't Belle and sometimes if you are Sam) Most of the time he doesn't give Belle things he takes her stuff away, but every now and then I hear him and her laughing their heads off at each other and loving playing together. I think the more she talks the more Davis will understand her and hopefully want to play with her.
I love my Big/Little Davis! You make life sweet and sour and wonderful all at once :) You melt my heart and my heart is full of cheer and love for you. I know God has a special plan for you and I pray that you tame your feelings and grow closer to Him each day. I LOVE YOU Big Buddy!
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