Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Nashville with the Kids (Day 2 - Science Center)

New Years Day 2014, and how do you start off the year well, you start it off with Bob Evans restaurant.  Man this is good food.  And Magan loves the blueberry matter what time of the day we are there.  After a big breakfast, it was off to our next surprise for the kids...The Nashville Adventure Science Center.  

This was a really fun Science center with a 7 story (story being a level the kids could play on) activity area that went all the way up above the roof.  Magan made it up pretty far with the kids, but the kids made it all the way to the top.  On the way back down, Magan said another Dad was on his way up and asked Sam and Davis what it was like at the top.  Magan said that Davis quickly replied "It's like Paradise", which I am sure gave that guy the extra incentive to push on to the top.  Also while playing on one of the top levels, Belle got her hand stepped on and was hurt pretty bad.  Turns out it was Davis, but he explained to me very calmly that she had "put her hands in the exact place his foot needed to go".  

It also had a wing where the kids could learn all about how the body works and how food moves through the body (the tunnel through the intestines, then slide out the anus with a poot noise when you hit the ground at the end of the slide...I don't know, but that is taking science too far...Belle agreed and would not go down the colon slide).  

Sam and I toured the space area, which was really cool, and later both him and Davis (altho not together, Sam is too much like his dad, and was nervous at first) went on the Space jump, which was terribly uncomfortable with the harness placement.  I jumped with Davis, then with Sam when he saw how much fun it could be.  

I did have a scary moment when I lost Belle for awhile.  Belle, I am sorry if you are still having nightmares about this as I still do sometimes from when Granny and Grandaddy lost me in the tunnels at Six Flags.  But you went down one of the tubes (probably a artery or a vein...all of this was trying to teach us something, so it was probably an artery as you were going away from me) and Sam and I couldn't find you.  We made the wrong decision to go to the top of the activity center (remember 7 stories), while you choose to go down and try to find me in the Body Works wing.  When we finally got down to you, I was so sad to see you wandering around in there crying.  "I was looking for you" you told me with tears in your eyes.  Sorry Belle, we were looking for you too.  

Belle, Sam and I also played a fun game in the Body Works area where you get a chance to shoot the germs in a Buzz Lightyear type area.  It was fun, but it had some Germ robots that talked to you and told you how to play the game.  Well, Davis is terrified of shots and needless to say was not a big fan of even going into the "Body Works" area.  We talked him into going into this game area as I seriously thought him having a laser gun getting to shoot these things would be fun.  Soon as we entered this room and Big talking germs started talking about being in his body, he told me he was out of there.  And he did...dropped his gun, and left and never walked back into that body area.  

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