Saturday, January 25, 2014

Overnight Adventure on the USS Alabama

These pictures are a little out of order, but I am getting overblogged right now.  So our Scout adventure began at Blakley State Park, where we toured the Civil War battlefields, and then drove over to our overnight adventure in the USS Alabama.  Our sleeping arrangement had Sam on top, Dave in the middle, and me way down on bottom.  And I hope you enjoy some of these pictures, as I forgot to get the camera, so I bought the old school wind up film camera.  Wow, how did we make it with those cameras.  Sam and Davis kept asking me to see the picture after I took it...I told them, no problem, you just need to wait about 2 weeks.

We made it as high as you could go on the ship...that's us in the picture above.

At the Blakely State Park, we found the "Hanging Tree" which gave me a wonderful time to share with my boys that ole American pasttime of hanging people.  Apparently the "hanging branch" had been hit by lightning and fell, so I have heard that the hangings...or is it hungings...have ceased.

We also met our good friend Colonel Frazier.  Both the boys asked if we would be able to see him again, and were very happy to meet and talk with him about staying on the battleship.  He seemed to still be doing well, and remembered us the next morning and told us bye as we were on our way out.  Colonel Frazier fought in WWII and was taken as a POW in the Pacific.  He was a part of the Bataan death march.

Some of these pictures just make me smile, because I always capture the same rooms with me and the boys.  We were able to tour all three tours of the ship (front, back, top...nope, don't know the navy terms) that night when we arrived on the ship.  I remember it being the coolest thing when I spent the night on the ship to go off on my own, so I let Sam and Davis go off to find a scuba diver that Davis had seen earlier.  We found the bunk where Bob Feller (MLB player) slept while on the ship.  I also found the exact (Com'n I was close) bunk where I slept when I was a kid.  Pretty cool.

And a Blast from the Past below (Seriously, one of mine and Magans favorite pictures of all time below)

At the state park, the kids got to play red rover acting as sides of the Civil War.  It was a mighty battle, but in the end no one won.  And on our way home, we saw this cool Lamborghini.  Awesome car, and the owner was cool about me taking pictures of it, even tho he laughed when I pulled out the disposable camera.  Disposable was on 0 tho, so had to pull out the IPAD for this last picture.  

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