Sunday, September 14, 2014

Fall Baseball

Fall Ball has begun with a fury of very hot Sunday afternoon games.  Both Sam and Davis are doing really well in practices, and hitting the ball pretty good.  Davis is Number 1 for the Chelsea Camo Red 8U team, and Sam is Number 4 for the Chelsea Camo Blue 10U team.  Both primarily play right field, but have gotten some opportunities in the infield already, and Davis got to play catcher for an inning.  

Sam caught a ball with his eye during practice one night and had a nice black eye for awhile.  He has since caught a long pop up in practice and a line drive, so he is getting the hang of using the glove for those catches.  Both seem to enjoy this year more than others, and like being on the team.  

Belle loves Fall Ball too, because she always finds many friends at the ballpark.  Ruby is OK, as long as she has some ice and food.  

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