Saturday, September 27, 2014

Oak Mountain Hike

So for our first Webelo Den hike, I told the parents that the hike around the lake was about 3 miles.  I had run this trail a couple of times, and thought that distance was pretty accurate, but I had forgotten about the distance from the end of the trail back to the parking lot...another mile.  Also told the parents 1 hour...whoops, more like 2 hours.  So I think all the parents had a good time, I know the boys did, but the wall for webelos is about the 3 mile mark.  We worked on our Naturalist requirements and Forrester requirements.  And towards the end of the trail, one of the bikers was passing us and looked very familiar.  It was Mr. Ralph from church.  He gave a fist pump to Sam and Davis, elevating their cool status.  The boys thought it was awesome to see Mr. Ralph in all his mountain biking equipment.  The scouts each took turns leading our den...and I just sang "Follow Me, Boys, Follow Me"... (Good Movie).  Sam got a lot of laughs with his stick man he made with his hat on his walking stick.  

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