Thursday, April 2, 2015

Spring Break Weekend II - Babyland General Hospital

Our second spring break weekend began with a trip to the Babyland General Hospital, where cabbage patch kids are born!  This was a long 4 hour drive and we made it with no stops...I have no idea how that happened, but it did. 
So once inside the Hospital, I will have to admit, it was definitely worth the long drive to see both of those girls faces and smiles at all the babies.  I noticed quickly that the babies did not have any price tags on them...which started my worry.  Asking one of the "nurses" about How much they cost, she instructed me to ask one of the "nurses" in the "nursery" what the "adoption fees" were.  So in the nursery, I asked, and she explained that the "newborns" in the nursery were 249, the "toddlers" were 299, but in the large room with the cabbage patch, they were 59.99 to 69.99.  Later in the big room, Sam came up to me and said "I guess Belle will get one in the Nursery because you are so cheap.  Those are only 2 dollars".  A little unnerved that my son had called me cheap, but then realizing his inaccurate understanding of the situation, I shared with him "No buddy, the ones in there are Two Hundred and forty nine dollars, not $2.49".  His face at the revelation of capitalistic craziness was hilarious.  The only thing he could say was "Wow".
We then walked over to the "Cabbage Patch" where you could select and pull your baby out of the patch.  Belle looked over at Magan and said "This is creepy".  But then she found her baby, and before we even purchased her, Belle knew her name...Annie Soloman.  Where did you get that name I asked, and then she reminded me that it was Helen Keller's teacher.  Sweet girl.  So the official birth certificate says Annie Sullivan, but she says Solomon sometimes and Sullivan sometimes. 
And our last attraction at the hospital was watching an actual new birth.  The Nurse stood before all of the children at the tree and described measured the cabbage leaves.  She told us it was perfectly ready at 10 cm apart.  She verified that the head was coming out first, if not, it would be delivered "branch".  She told us how some of the corn crop had been mixed in with the cabbage, and now all of the babies are born with "ears".  Then she pulled out a beautiful baby boy, and the children named him Mike Tom.  The nurse, with some quick wit, said with a name like that, this boy is sure to be a NASCAR fan.  I like it, funny lady.  Then after drying him off, she told the children she would then be taking the boy she had just pulled out of the cabbage patch over to the nursery.  Then a little boy with big eyes up front cracked me and Magan up by asking the nurse very loudly "Are you going to eat him?"   Too funny. 
So we left with Annie Sullivan, and a new little baby for Ruby.  But Belle has taken an oath of adoption, so we later had to have two baby seats at all of the restaurants after that, because Annie needs her own high chair.  :)

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