Saturday, April 4, 2015

Spring Break Weekend II - Lego Discovery Center

And our last day before heading home, I thought we could go to the Coca-Cola museum or the Fernbank museum of natural history.  Magan gave both of these a nonverbal face of disapproval.  She then suggest the Lego Discovery Center.  Being a Saturday, and remembering how crowded this place was last time we went, I was hesitant and really leaning more towards Fernbank.  And I remembered the kids really liked the dinosaurs at the fernbank also, so we decided to let the Kids decide.  I gave them the options, beginning with the Coca-Cola museum.  This was already mentioned to them, so they smiled and liked that option.  I then mentioned Fernbank, and they showed confused faces, after helping them remember, they smiled a little bigger.  Then when I mentioned the Lego Discovery Center, I think something in their brain just went into overload, and they completely forgot that there were any options because in their minds I had erased all other options as soon as I said Lego.  So thanks to our sweet mom, and her idea, the kids had another super fun day, and got a great surprise for our last day on vacation. 
And before I get to the pictures...a few Belle-isms that make us smile
  • She says "Huh Huh" to mean yes...instead of "ahuh"
  • She says "Fravorite" instead of favorite
  • She says "Girl Cheese" instead of grilled cheese.  No wonder she thinks she has to have this at restaurants, yet never seems to eat it. 


Belle was so happy to show us mini-stone mountain.  She just had to have a picture.  And the boys got to go into the Master Builder workshop.  Sam came out very excited that he learned how to make a sphere.  Davis came out saying I will never share a table with Sam again in there.  Sam needs some work on his teamwork skills.  Belle, meanwhile, sang "Everything is Awesome" on the karaoke machine. 

Magan and Ruby just shopped in the mall while I watched the other 3.  We rode all the rides, built many cars, watched three of the four movies, ate lunch, then 4 hours later...I was finally able to drag them out into the store.  All got to pick a small prize, and we met back up with Magan and headed home.  Another great day, and wonderful end to our spring break. 

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