Monday, June 1, 2015

Campout at Oak Mountain - Part 1

Woah, lots of pictures in this post.  Granny and Granddaddy had brought the camper down the previous night, and we settled in for the week on a Sunday night. Excited about our new home in the woods, Davis immediately went exploring and found a large turtle.  Ruby loved watching the "speedy" turtle make his way across our camp and down to the nearby creek.  Then we through Ruby in her cage...kept at the camper to hold her in.  

The first night was wonderful, and as we all got settled in, the first of the CO alarms came piercing through.  Ruby was already asleep, and the rest of us were about to go, but the only thing to turn off the alarm was the main power...which also shut down the AC...which is something necessary when you are roughing it in the woods for a week.  So everyone went to sleep, as I stayed up to work on the alarm.  Verified gas was off, and levels were not decreasing, then proceeded with google searches on how to fix the problem.  No problems, just unwire the alarm...WHERE IS THE DETECTOR?  I looked everywhere, and one hour later found it behind where we had placed the garbage can.  So unwired the detector, no more problems.  Bought a secondary CO detect from Walmart the next day.  Exciting first night. 

Over the next few days, as the boys rotating thru scout camp (Davis went in the morning from 8 till 2, and Sam in the evening from 3 till 8), we tried to make sure we hit all of the fun activities of Oak Mountain.  The petting zoo was fun, and watching Ruby that loves animals so much, then screams if they come close to fun to watch.  We went hiking, played on the playground, ate hot dogs and smores, and rode bikes at the BMX track. 

And at camp, the boys both earned there archery badges by hitting a bullseye within the first two days of shooting...both had never gotten one at the camp last year.  Belle and I got to watch a baby bird getting fed at the rescue center.  And that Sam...he will not wear shorts in the middle of summer...unless we let him wear his thigh high blue baseball socks.  He has all the fashion sense of his Dad.  

I don't think you can see it in any of these pictures, but Davis had a nasty crash at the camping area, and walked that bike up hill for a long way knee bleeding in several places.  Not a tear on him...then I told him we needed to wipe it off with the alcohol...if you know know that this is just the start of a week of dramatics regarding that knee.  :)

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