Saturday, October 3, 2015

Auburn Game

Now this event was planned as a repeat of last year's Auburn game with Granddaddy.  But then Grandaddy got 4 additional tickets, so John and Shja decided to come, then Katie and Colby and family, so with all on board, Magan and the girls also decided to come. 
So the night before the Auburn Game, and all through the house...a sick bug was stirring and Wyatt likes cows.  Sorry, tired of rhyming.  Ben got sick (Asked his Granny if sometime sick kids could go to Auburn games), so that took out the Colby Clan, then the rain came in...And the morning of the game, while we were getting our food at McDonalds, Ruby threw up.  Not having any problems before this, we thought this was a spit up incident, and decided to make a go of it, while Scott who foresees any and all potential bad sides of the story attempted to calculate how bad this could be on a rainy day in Auburn.  It was not looking good, and Magan and I were trying to make a decision, when Ruby made it for us in Sylacauga...puking near the Home Depot (Sounds like a good country song).  So me and the boys got out and made it the rest of the way with Katie/Mark/Granddaddy/Granny and Wyatt.  Magan said Ruby puked one more time before getting home. 
It was Scout day at the Auburn game, so me and the boys got in free, but our tickets with Mark and Katies guest tickets were WAY UP in the top of Jordan Hare.  And then the rainy mist started coming down.  It was fun, and I think everyone had a good time in the end.  We enjoyed Tiger Walk, Walk to the Closed museum, Walk around to the right gate for scout entrance, and Walk up the upper deck.  Ha, but I guess I have a couple of Auburn fans, cause those boys loved it all.  Wish everyone could have been there.  We wanted to go on the field, but the line was too long.  But the sweetest moment, was probably when Granny offered her coat to poor cold John that forgot how to dress when the weather is cold.  :)  Or perhaps Wyatt grabbing the boys cheeks.  Yeah, that was sweeter.  

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