Saturday, October 24, 2015

Scout Campout at Racoon Mountain

So It is just tradition to stop at the Tennessee Welcome Center on the way up to Chattanooga.  And me and the boys had the car packed and ready for a fun filled Scout weekend at Racoon Mountain.  Our campsite was nice, and had a beautiful view of Lookout Mountain.  This place was great in that we never really had to go anywhere, they had hiking trails, gocarts, mini-golf, and a cave. 



I was almost hit by this ball coming straight at the camera.  The bricks did not do to much to keep sam and davis on the course.  The gocarts were fun, but Dave was just barely too short to ride by himself, so that was a downer. 

Our first night in the tents, Sam woke up with a really bad headache around 2 in the morning.  I had some advil, and that seemed to help, but all during Saturday, I could tell he was not feeling well.  And knew things were going bad when he went back to the tent after the cave tour and just slept for a couple of hours.  As it got closer to Saturday evening, Davis started feeling sick.   Then when my strong guy Sam said that we just need to go home, I knew he was bad.  But I made an attempt to go to an urgent care but they had just closed, so with Sam having a 102 degree fever and Davis starting to apply the dramatics, I knew we couldn't make it another night. 

We packed up camp around 6 on Saturday, and barely (Davis, you are not dying) made it home by 9 PM to sleep in our own beds and recover with our Mom.  The sick bug has been bad on us these last few weeks.  I think Magan even got it as the boys were getting over it.  But as sick as they were, I see a lot of smiles, and was glad to be able to spend this time with my boys. 




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