Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Sick Bug

So the sick bug started with Ru at the Auburn game, but then moved over to Belle, then over to Davis, and for a little bit to Sam. 
And Magan got to handle all of this while I was in Charlotte. 
How does Belle handle being sick?  Like a pro, she made it to the bathroom each time, and always had her sick bucket. 
How does Mr. Davis Drama handle being sick?  AAGHHHHHHH!  Dear me, that boy.  I am usually the puke cleaner upper, while Magan handles the sick kids and talking them through that they will live...or perhaps that is more just for Davis.  But I was away, so Magan had both duties.  Davis was first on the couch with a blanket, where Magan told him to use the blanket if he could not get to the bathroom...but he apparently heard this as cry for your mama for 5 minutes, then when she doesn't come puke all over the Magan moved him into his room with the sick bucket next to him...and again puke all over the bed without even trying for the bucket...then in our room NEXT to the bathroom, but yet again...right on the carpet.  Davis would not have gotten away with this if I was home.  Magan is now correcting me that he through up 5 times, and hit bucket once. better give your mama many hugs, cause she was about to take you out on this night.  :) But luckily he finally got better. 
Sam only got sick at PE at school where he told me he puked into some bushes, but he said the chocolate milk and cookies he had right before PE might have also had something to do with it.  He had to be checked out and stayed out of school for a day.  

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