Sunday, November 22, 2015

Belle turns 6!

This was Belle's year for a party, and she had been planning Chuck E Cheese since Davis' party last year.  And she had a party at school, a party at home, and then the super Chuck E Cheese party.  Belle had a dress up party, and there were many princesses there.  We were glad to have so many family with us.  Belle's cake was never touched during this party, but it was so good later. 
Magan was a little upset that we made a lot of food for the CEC party, brought it all in, then were told to take it all out as it was not allowed.  I smiled at her getting so upset at the management that had told her the day before that it was not allowed...sometimes the rules don't bend, even for a beautiful blonde. 
We were also very happy to see our cousin John Junkin and his three boys.  Crazy how things happen in facebook invites!  But we were glad to have him, since Uncle John could not make it.  Belle was a little too shy in the ticket blaster and I think walked out of the machine with about 5 tickets.  But in the end with some sharing from Sam, she was able to get a Santa tsum tsum.  And Belle was also super excited to have her good friend from pre-school Delaney with her.  There was a picture somewhere, or at least I heard that there was a massive skeeball battle between two Ratcliff sisters...anyway, I only caught one of them in what appears to be a unsanctioned practice session. 
I was so excited to get Belle the Pooh tsum tsum, and she was excited to get it, but then Sam was cutting the tag off, and ended up cutting the tsum tsum.  While I was a little frustrated...Sam, with more patience and resolve, just took the thing to his room and ten minutes later it was sewed up to where you couldn't even tell it was damaged. 
Happy birthday to the sweetest little curly headed girl...I love those smiles...watching you right now in your cute new pajamas watching Christmas happy for the news of "Its a girl" a short 6 years back.  :)

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