Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Baron's Season Opener

So it was a Tuesday School Night, and I had plans to meet the family at Chick-Fil-A for supper to support a school fundraiser.  Then about the time I was leaving work, I learned I won some tickets to the Barons game...that night...Awesome tickets at the club level again, so I just couldn't pass them up.  We still ate at Chick-Fil-A, missing out on 50cent hot dog night, and Ruby was so excited to meet the cow there...but in what might be a lesson for Disney, she was terrified when they wanted to touch her. 
At the game, we started by some races and playing on the small field with the kids.  Opening night, but I guess because it was a Tues school night, there were VERY FEW people here.  I had brought a ball for us to throw around and it lasted about 3 minutes till Dave threw a pitch about 10 feet over everyone's head out of the fence.  Oh well.
Later while Sam, Belle, and Davis were playing in the play area, Ruby got to meet "two puppies".  Again, not wanting to touch them, but super excited to see them.  Magan said when she woke up the next morning, the first thing Ruby said was "I like two puppies".  The Barons were leading 4-3 when we left, always fun at the ballpark.  Late night for the Junkin crew, and you can tell they were sad to not get enough sleep for the tests the next day.  :)


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