Saturday, April 2, 2016

Spring Break Florence Trip

For the last part of our spring break, we took a trip up to Florence to visit with Colby and Melissa.  We did also get a good chance to visit with Magan's aunt Mary Nelice (I don't know if this is spelled right...Maybe it is Marian Elise...just comes out as Mary Nelice).  It was nice to visit with her, and she made a great lunch for us.  But her house had peppermints everywhere, and Ruby felt like she was in candyland...after me scolding her several times, I watched her walk up to one pile of peppermints, then look at them and tell herself "NO NO"...then she picked it up and said "NO NO"...she looked at me, then took off with it. 
We stayed at the Marriot and took the kids up to the restaurant that rotates around.  They got a nice view of the area and the nearby lock. 


Colby and Melissa then cooked us some awesome burgers for dinner, and we hung out with them that night.  The next day, Melissa and the boys joined Magan in the pool, while me and Colby went and struggled on the golf course (cart path only).  Our supper that night was a Riccatoni's in downtown Florence, and it was wonderful.  And even if people made fun of me for ordering too much, I think we did not have much going home, so that means our bellies were full.  My meal was delicious, and our table up the spiral staircase was nice.  On the second night, Sam, Davis, and Belle spent the night at Colby's.  From the pictures I think these cousins couldn't have had a better time.  Aunt Melissa was supposed to share with me any funny stories for the blog, and she did not, so any gaps in our memories from this night can be blamed on her.  :)


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