Monday, October 31, 2016

Trick or Treat

Just a few more pictures of Halloween.  This year we went to a festival in Columbiana.  This is NOT Halloween.  I say down with Harvest Carnivals, and up with door to door candy collection.  But Magan tells me the kids enjoyed this carnival, but the whole time I pouted because it hiding eggs on Christmas...just all wrong.  I guess there were some things I liked...the trolley ride with my Ruby was nice...and watching belle glow as they painted a rose on her face...and Ruby playing all the little games.  And How did I miss the Piggly Wiggly Pig?  Anyway, Magan finally let us go trick or treating later that night and we found a hay trailer to ride around in.  


Another fun Halloween...and this time we had Guston in the house with us for a couple of weeks.  It was initially a little scare for Ruby with his chants of "Kill the Beast", but she slowly fell in love with him and asked him to come back each night.  Our family was mostly Disney...Guston, Belle, Mrs. Potts, Chip, Antman...but we also had an Uncle Sam.  I actually was asked for a picture with some younger girls at the gas station where I picked up some ice prior to our trunk or treat.  And I may have missed some pictures of Halloween night...but they may also show up in Around the House...Belle would never marry Guston, so he settled down with Mrs. Potts.  She stays in the kitchen anyway like a good woman.  

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Family Wedding

Just a few pics of family at a beautiful venue in Hanceville.  The bride and groom had a foot washing ceremony during the marriage, and I will call foul on this...we don't practice that anymore.  And also if you do want to wash feet, two full rounds of "How Great thou art" is a little long.  I think I have washed all 4 kids one time in a shorter amount than that foot washing took. 
What wedding had a full meal...meatloaf AND potatoes AND poofy muffin rolls...Love this wedding.  Sam was at a scout campout, and we all missed him.  And Magan went a little crazy with the selfie below...