Thursday, October 20, 2016

Fall Ball Champions

Sam was fun to watch and coach this year.  He hit the ball really well, only striking out about 4 times, but other than that, many hits deep to the outfield.  It is crazy how nervous I get when he is up to bat, but funny because he has all the confidence up there.  Much more than I did at his age.  He just knows he can hit it...ha...just a fun kid to watch. 
Also fun to see his teammates...had one guy named Jeremiah that had never played before, but by that championship, he hit in two key RBIs. 
Sam improved significantly from previous seasons in his fielding, even playing shortstop for a majority of this fall ball season. 
And for his second time, he was part of the Fall Ball champion team.  He was pretty proud of the ring they gave all the champions.  And loved that his cousin, aunt, grandaddy and granny were there to watch him play in the championship game.  Hoping he might try again in the Spring.  

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