Friday, October 14, 2016

Hike with my Ruby

I really enjoy my Friday off days, and mostly getting to spend time with my little girl.  On this Friday, we gave mom some time alone while we went out to Oak Mountain.  Ruby loved these birdies, and we "Who"ed at the owls.  We had fun with one that watched us as we ran past, then back, then back past again "He look us".  She made me laugh when one was not moving "Awww, It not working". 
We hiked up to the Bird Rescue center, hoping to see some baby birds, but we did not.  We did have a little snack, watched some birds at a feeder, then start our journey back.  We found a really pretty tree and I wanted to get a picture, but she picked the ugly rotten one below.  She would also grunt and say "Woah" for each of the branches she "climbed" over.  Oh well, then she got tire and wanted to ride...but when we turned a corner and the sun was to our back, I saw some fun images of that cutie with her piggies on my shoulders...had to snap those.  Still see that little hand when I would let her get ahead...she would look back and raise that little hand and say "Come Me".  

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