Saturday, November 5, 2016

Oak Mountain Campout

So it was our Fall campout for the boy scouts, and we were joined for the first time by Anabelle.  We had a have a larger lot for the Junkin area, as Sam and Davis each had their own tent, and me and Belle slept in the larger 6 man tent.  I was hoping that one other friend would bring his girls, but they did not come till later on Saturday, but Belle had no problems jumping across those dry creeks with all the boys.  This campout came right in the middle of one of the worst droughts in Alabama history.  We had a burn ban, so we used lots of propane. 
Our first night was cold, but only in the 40s, so not too bad.  I had Mr. Heater Buddy to cut the cold in the mornings.  We then went out to Camp Tranquility and cleaned up the old boy scout area.  Then after some bratwursts I actually cooked myself on the propane grill (This is the first campout ever I have not left for a meal at some point), we headed up with the Webelos to Peavine Falls.  When we made it, we found that it was not even a Peavine drip...but the hike was an adventure and all the boys had a good time.  Note that I received later...Anabelle was not supposed to be wearing her Mary Jane shoes this whole time, and they were probably not the best for the rock climbing down to the bottom of the falls.
Each night Davis and Belle found their way over to Mr. Rumsey's camping area where they played Clue, Sorry, and many other board games.  And on Saturday night we had some campfire skits, with yours truly as the MC.  Davis was in a funny skit about the Lone Ranger and Tonto, and perhaps a racist punchline about "leaving your injun running". 
Sunday morning I was able to share with the boys a bible lesson from the Rubix Cube, then me and the kids were off to Chelsea for church.  We made it in plenty of time, even having some breakfast (finally REAL food) at Huddle House.  Always love the time with my buddies...Few sparks of memories from this trip...Sam throwing up at night...Davis hit in the eye by the light saber...Belle scared by the boys in the bathroom...My air mattress had a hole...Saw Mr. Ralph again on his bike...over 100 people at the campout...

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