Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Southern Museum of Flight

The end of the year is usually very busy for Magan, and this day was right before Thanksgiving, so I offered to take the kids out to let her work.  But while that is my excuse, I really just like having some time with all the kids just to myself.  Magan gets them all much more, so these times are rarer for me, and I look forward to fun days like this with Dad.  Found a groupon for this museum and paid about 1/2 of what I was planning to that started off well.  Ruby was the cutest with all of the planes and mannequins...I think she was a little scared thinking both were about to get her.  Beautiful day, loved seeing those girls play in the kid area in the mock tower.  And both of them running around outside on the ramp giggling all the way down seems to have etched into my brain. 
The end of the day was also good, but we didn't get any pictures of our lunch at Hattie Bs with granddaddy.   Never would have thought that we could make it 2 hours to eat some chicken fingers, but they were very tasty.  

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