Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Chelsea Town Hall Meeting with Congressman Palmer (Scout)

I heard that Congressman Gary Palmer would be coming to Chelsea, and a town hall meeting was part of one of the Webelo scout requirements...so off we went.  It was very interesting to the kids, as many of the Trump protestors showed up and tried to spark some issues with the congressman.  He did really well, and stayed calm thru a lot of shouting at times.  The kids actually thought it was funny that the crowd at one point starting screaming at one of the speakers because she would not ask her question.  "ASK YOUR QUESTION" the crowd angrily requested.  

I was called out by the congressman to ask a question, so I gave him a softball question about If he was ever in scouts, and what was the toughest part of his job.  As he indicated it might be these town hall meetings, this got some laughs, but then he spoke to the boys and told them about democracy, and how he was thankful they could be here and see how these meetings worked.  The pictures below  are from the Shelby County Reporter website.  

Funny, I ran into Congressman Palmer two months later at the BHM airport, he was on the same flight as me to DC.  I introduced myself and told him about bringing the scouts to the town hall meeting.  He remembered and mentioned again how he was glad they could be there, and mentioned he wished less protestors were there that night, but it is what it is.  Later that same week in DC, He was on the ball fields where the crazy shooter started trying to take out many of the GOP.  Crazy world, glad our congressman was not hurt.  He will probably get my vote from now on, especially now that he and I are such "good buddies".  

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