Sunday, April 30, 2017

Lake Lurleen with the Scouts

A lot of fun memories at Lake Lurleen, and I think it may have won as favorite overall campout.  This was a first time for us to take Granny and Granddaddy's RV with us, and that was an experience in itself.  It allowed for Magan and Ruby to join us for their first cub scout campout.  The drive down was tense, as my shoulders were constantly under stress holding the RV in the right lane.  And yes, I stayed almost the whole time in the right lane, as I had no desire to pick up much speed, but we did well and got parked and set up in no time. 
Sam and Davis found a nice flat spot to camp in tents near the flag pole.  Friday night was somewhat simple as I cooked some hamburgers and hot dogs while others were making their way to the campsite and putting up their tents.  So Magan and I have a lot of planning deficiencies when it comes to campouts, as we learned the first thing missing was dog buns, NO...hamburger buns, NO...just loaf bread, NO forgot that too.  Luckily the camp store had some at quadruple the normal price that we could buy.  Did I also mention that we had no extra when I went to the camp store, or anywhere this weekend, I was borrowing a car...but that was kind of fun too, as I got to try out a couple of trucks and SUVs.
The next day after raising the flag, we prepared some flags for the retirement ceremony, we played sponge wars, Sam helped with other boy scouts teaching knots, we had a fishing rodeo, campfire with skits and flag ceremony...and in between all of that, I took 4 of our webelos and some other parents and siblings on an expected 2.5 mile hike.  Well, the scout leader (me) read the signs incorrectly and it ended up being a 4.2 mile hike.  And while we were hiking Davis missed the beach trip with Belle and Sam.  I ended up beating myself up over this, like playing a bad hand at cards, I replay actions over and over in my head till I can't sleep.  Anyway, we made it back in time for the campfire. 
The boys are usually just off doing their own thing.  I miss the days when we used to do a lot more together, but I also enjoy seeing them make their own adventures.  I like seeing my princess girl Belle playing with those worms.  She won't bait the hook, but I think she might later.  Davis found a dead turtle, which was shocking, but cool as well.  Sam had to hike it from campsite to the beach with no shoes...or socks...big deal for him. 
Belle, as you can tell from the pics, has her two best buddies at these campouts...Luke and Sawyer.  And I think Belle is ready to join the Cub Scouts to be a tiger with them.  Luke's dad and I were trying to find them at one point, and finally ended up finding them in the back of his truck watching cartoons. 
Ruby did well, but she had a red and runny nose, which was sore the whole time...and she let us know how bad it was the whole time.  :)  But all did well, and we are looking forward to another RV camping trip sometime soon. 



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