Thursday, December 7, 2017

Around the House...Dipping into December

So a few stories over that last little bit that I wanted to capture, then maybe I can remember why these were my favorites. 
First story...The boys were playing sequence with me and Magan and Belle, and Davis as he was beating Sam, let out some crazy trash talk.  With hands in the air, he told Sam "Boom, I'm gonna fart all over you".  Maybe he got that from Magan, but I am pretty sure I have never heard that brand of smack before.
I heard Ruby yelling in her room the other day, and went that way down the hall to check on her.  I then realized she was yelling at her baby dolls...but yelling "LOVE GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART".  It was very harsh, but I think the baby dolls were getting the point...that is a serious lesson, and they better hear it well.
Another just funny thing coming from Ruby is "What in the World!" when she sees something crazy. 
Belle is loving American Heritage Girls, and got a picture with her troop leader Mrs. Shaley below at their end of year cookie swap.  Sam made me jealous as he got to go into tumbling rock cave without me this year.  I got to go read to all the 2nd grade classrooms (including Belle's) a kid's book about Nuclear Energy (Yes, there is ONE).  I captured a moment below that happens almost every time we go out to eat...Magan drips cheese, soup...everything on her shirt.  We laugh it off, but I think she may need a bib.  House down the road (Clautiers Light Show) turned a few lights about 3 years ago, into a crazy impressive light show this year!  And what else do I want to comment on...oh, we went to see Thor...mainly because Magan really wanted to go see it...and well, I've never seen her so excited to see a movie...hmmm...then at the token Thor with his shirt off scene, she looked over at me and just laughed.  But her laughter is the same when my shirt is off too, so Boom, right back at you Thor.  And Ruby with a guitar was pretty funny...altho you probably can't tell from the picture me, she is funny. 
And it finally happened...ruby kept telling me she wanted to hear something on the echo...frustrated because I could not understand her, she said "aweksa...pway kidsbab"...then smiled at me as Alexa began playing Timberlake via kid's bop on the echo. Well played now understand my child better than I...



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