Friday, October 5, 2018

Just a Fishin'

So our lake has been the source of a lot of frustration when fishing.  I have tried many times to take the boys here, and we had never caught anything.  That didn't stop Davis from trying.  He would stick his fishing pole in his shirt, hold his tacklebox with one hand and ride his bike down to the lake...(sorry, this thing is a pond, not a lake).  And then he started catching some fish, and his enthusiasm rubbed off on us, as we all started going fishing with Dave. 
He always caught more than us, and we always thro them back, but Sam ended up catching one or two, and I caught a couple as well.  On our way home on the day before Ruby's birthday, Davis again asked if we could go fishing, so off we went, me hoping that Ruby could catch a fish for her 5 year birthday.   And she did, reeled it all the way in herself...And her little giggles were hilarious cause she wanted to touch the fish, and everytime it jumped, she just cackled.  Cutest thing.  Then as I went to bait her hook with another piece of bratwurst, I watched as she leaned up in her chair that was already tipped forward...and as she leaned up, she tipped over and went face first into the pond. 
So yes, I am sure that Mom remembers this exactly, and Mom sees that she was wearing velvet rabbit shoes and a specialty dress...but I was ONLY thinking of catching her a back to her face first in the pond, I quickly pulled her out, then grabbed Sam's iPhone that I saw as I pulled her out, then picked Ruby up crying, told the boys fishing time was over...grab stuff and get to the van!  Ruby was cold and shivering as we drove back to the house...they she said in a scared voice "Those fish were coming after me".   HAHAHAHA...we were catching them, so I think she thought they were coming after her, when she fell in. 
Grabbed a picture of me and my girl all wet back at the house...Mom was NOT happy with Dad...but we did catch the fish... :) So Dad was happy!

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