Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day

Family and Friends on a Memorial Day Weekend. 

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Happy Anniversary

Happy 18th anniversary to my lovely bride, and it started perfectly with streamers in the kitchen from Anabelle.  And our favorite go to spot for an anniversary is the Grand Ole Opry and the Opryland Hotel.  As usual, I booked this month's in advance and we were excited to see that John Crist would be there and Lauren Alaina.  We got to spend two nights in Nashville, so day one began with a movie...what was the movie...Magan, what movie did we watch in Nashville?  That one with Charlize Theron....Oh, Long Shot.  OK got it...Oh yeah, that movie was bust a gut funny. 
Ha, when we arrived on Friday, Magan immediately starting getting to rest taking a nap, and while she was napping I went out to walk around and get a coffee, and while I was in there I saw an old friend from college (Brandon Miller) and his wife.  We caught up a bit, and I told him I wish Magan could have been there, but she was asleep.  The next morning magan and I slept till 10AM, and I got up to again get some coffee, but Magan was still asleep...and I ran into Brandon and his wife again...and again I had to let him know magan would have loved to seen them but she was asleep.  Haha, I think they were wondering if Magan was really with me that weekend. 
Our room was awesome, we were in the Delta Atrium, but had the best view we have ever had in any of our stays.  The guy at the front counter first found us an atrium room, and after asking what else do you have a few times, he ended up telling me this was one of the best and the recently remodeled.  I should have kept asking till he gave me a presidential suite.  We completely relaxed every moment...I still remember this as the last time I got to rest and it is now almost July.  Much needed break for us old folks...and we wore that spa area up. 
Speaking of spas, I always wonder what is going on over in the woman's side...because on my side it is just me...hanging out sweating by myself.  My pop culture brain tells me that it is much crazier over there on that side based on all the 80s movies I have seen, but Magan has informed me it is not that crazy...but definitely more people over there...anyway, the point is that Magan is like some sort of universal conversationalist...everyone seems to want to talk to her, and somehow she knows the life stories of people I would never even speak with...but they tell her everything.  And one lady after sharing her life story, then gave Magan two tickets to the new soundwaves water park for that Sunday.
And the waterpark was great, Magan actually rode the indoor water slides with me for a bit with one awkward trip in a family raft with two random stranger teenagers.  Then she went out to rest (yes, again) by the wave pool, while I proceeded to ride water slides for a couple of hours.  It was a really great water park...especially when it was free.  Magan and I laughed and laughed about the toilet bowl water slide that we couldn't seem to go down the hole in. 
And our other big adventure of the weekend was a trip to the Grand Ole Opry on Saturday night.  Never did I ever think I would love that place as much as I do, but that show is just the best for me.  I love the music, love the people, and love the lady by my side thru every trip thus far.  John Crist cracked us up with about 10 minutes of comedy.  And Lauren Alaina was great, but even better to me after a real crazy experience with momma that just wanted a hug, then to come on stage, then for a song with her daughter...this is a live show lady!  Haha...Lauren gained two thumbs up in my book for how she responded.  We also hear one guy with some crazy deep lyrics that I bet were really cool if you had any idea what he was talking about.  And our favorite Mike Snider was there with a bit of humor. 
I also included a few pics of those little ones we left back in Cullman that showed up on my phone during our weekend.  Looks like they really missed us...haha. 

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Last Days of School

This was the last week of school, and the boys only went on Monday...but Belle loves it, and went all the way to the end of Thursday of that final week.  Of course she also had outdoor field day events that were pretty fun.  I also finally got Ruby the flowers she wanted for her Graduation.  I still remember her telling me about how many of her friends got flowers at their preK graduation....haha...she knows how to get her dad.  And she wanted purple flowers.  

Sunday, May 19, 2019

AHG Graduation

Anabelle has done great with AHG, and made her first big rank advancement this year moving from Tenderheart to Explorer rank.  This required badges from all 6 areas of AHG.  Magan did an excellent job leading this group of girls this year, and we are excited that Ruby will be joining AHG next year.  And Ruby may be a little excited as well.  Ruby has her a little friend Helen, and they will be pathfinders  together next year.  They were so excited to help pass out flowers to the leaders during the crossover ceremony, and even more excited when they got flowers to take home with them.  Anabelle has a great group of friends in this group, but I think AHG doubled with fun when Linley decided to join this year.  I love watching my little girls go camping like I did with the I love AHG.  Can't wait to watch her and Ruby rise through the ranks.