Sunday, May 19, 2019

AHG Graduation

Anabelle has done great with AHG, and made her first big rank advancement this year moving from Tenderheart to Explorer rank.  This required badges from all 6 areas of AHG.  Magan did an excellent job leading this group of girls this year, and we are excited that Ruby will be joining AHG next year.  And Ruby may be a little excited as well.  Ruby has her a little friend Helen, and they will be pathfinders  together next year.  They were so excited to help pass out flowers to the leaders during the crossover ceremony, and even more excited when they got flowers to take home with them.  Anabelle has a great group of friends in this group, but I think AHG doubled with fun when Linley decided to join this year.  I love watching my little girls go camping like I did with the I love AHG.  Can't wait to watch her and Ruby rise through the ranks.

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