Saturday, May 4, 2019

Sam Turns 14

May the fourth be with really fits our Sam, and his special day was celebrated even more when I won Barons tickets for his birthday.  I will have to check the blogs, and this seemed to have happened last year at this same time.  We left to the ball game very early to have tortugas pizza before the game, and Magan bought a bun cake as his birthday cake.  It was an ugly rainy day, so we did not have much hope that the game would be played, but everything worked out well, and we watched a really good game.  And having a Star Wars theme was even that much better...Me and Sam sat under the umbrella for awhile, the girls played cards inside the suite area, and Davis hung out on the grassy area trying to catch a foul ball.  Take me out to the ball game...Happy Birthday Sam!

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