Friday, February 28, 2020

AHG Highlights

AHG has been very busy this month.  Belle and the explorers learned sewing with Mrs. Gina from church.  Belle also went with all the older girls to earn her "Climbing" merit badge at High Point.  I got to lead the tenderhearts for one more meeting and we learned about the 6 days of creation.  The girls made a great diorama of the 6 days and shared what they learned with the pathfinders (Ruby's group).  For both the Pathfinders and the Tenderhearts, we made key chains with my new leatherworking kit...I just wish I had a picture of my face as they slammed the hammer towards my fingers...a couple of the girls really scared me.  And the last event captured below was when Anabelle and Ruby helped lead the flag ceremony for "Pray United" at the charter church.  They did an excellent job, and represented their troop well.  

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