Saturday, February 29, 2020

Floundering thru February

February was a short month this year, but longer than most Februaries tend to be.  What was going on?  Let me look at the pictures below...Ok, we had a Super Bowl party at the Bailey's house, which was great for everyone, we got to watch the game on the HUGE wall screen, not the halftime show, for that we watched TOP GUN instead of the booty show...there are some pictures of kids eating in bed as this month was full of sickness for us, Davis was out for a full week again, Belle was out for a few days, Sam and Ruby and mom were all sick, and as for me, well, there was one bad afternoon, anyway, it was a very sick month...Robotics tournament in cullman...broom standing up by itself on the amazing one day of the concerts...Ivey Raine shower...wonderful Valentines date at Outback (shortest wait time ever, and apparently Magan and I both love talking with older couples)...Davis is now a first class scout...

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