Sunday, April 26, 2020

Frisbee Golfing

So while is seems for the time being that Goat Lords is becoming the clear leader for indoor activities during this quarantine, there is NO QUESTION to the leader of outdoor activities...Frisbee Golf.  We finally got Magan to join us on a couple of expeditions thru the Inverness course, and I think when she saw the joy in those kids faces, she also became a fan.  I may have blacked out during one visit to the course as all of my shots went straight into trees...I can't remember much of that day, other than little whispers of "don't talk to Dad right now, he needs some time to his self".  Haha...I'm telling you, it is very similar to golf in that once you know what you can do and should do, then you start learning ways to do things the complete opposite. 
Me and the boys have met Tom Monroe ( before at the course, but were happy that Ruby and Belle could also meet a former disc golf champion.  While there, he showed them some of his tricks he used to perform at schools while he was touring for WhamO across the nation.  As if you guys didn't know, Tom is the 1993 PDGA World Champion, but currently he is the Flying Disc Sports instructor at UAB and Samford, and the course pro at George Ward Park in Birmingham, AL. He also runs a disc golf business and enjoys teaching and mentoring new players. And since we are new to the game, we have purchased many a new disc from Tom, but he has given us many cool throwing pointers.  Since Belle was earning her Frisbee Golf AHG badge, she needed to meet a pro anyway. 
So what's going on the pics below...Davis had a great throw across the creek on one...Ruby loves to balance the Frisbees, and she hit a pretty long shot on hole 17, then had some high fives with Sam...Sam threw two Frisbees completely at a 90 degree angle from the teebox, talk about not letting go early enough, he almost threw one backwards...Sam throws the Frisbee hard, and once it landed and had a stick go straight thru the Frisbee...the girls make our Frisbee outings a little slower, as we end up picking flowers during the round...After one outing we grabbed some Milos and hung out on some stairs near a pond, it was windy and cold and I am thinking the older lady on facetime at the bottom of the stairs did not appreciate our group very much...
And the bottom picture was truly the best shot we have seen, Anabelle put one in the basket from across the creek, but Davis chunked one across the creek off the teebox...seriously long shot, and right at the basket.  On that same hole Sam also threw it across the creek, only Dad was unable to cross the creek.  But when we got to Davis' shot, which was an easy 2 on the hardest hole on the course...he realized that they HAD MOVED THE BASKET...haha and it was on my side of the creek, so I ended up beating them both on that hole....they did not think this was nearly as funny as I did.  Regardless, that shot from Davis is now the best shot I have seen.  It was great! 
We just finished another round today, and just in case I forgot to blog about it next month...I will add that Davis and I came back all bloodied up because of falls on the course...but I know that even tho Frisbee golf may sound dangerous, it has been a great new addiction for me and the boys.  Oh, and we get a new picture on the 18th hole each time we play.  Oh, and Ruby (glow in the dark) and Belle (orange) bought their first Frisbees from Tom.  Oh, and this month also included a trip to Montevallo to play their course...but then we were disappointed that the course had garbage bags over the holes...but we decided to play anyway, and see if we could get close...but then the campus cops showed up and told us the campus was closed including Frisbee golf...ugh...that was a disappointing day. 




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