Thursday, April 2, 2020

Mr. Flynn's Quarantine 80th Birthday Parade

Mr. Flynn is in the Alabama Boxing Hall of Fame, he is boxer, a trainer, can throw his voice, deer charmer, squirrel raising character.  He was one of the first ones I ever spoke with at the Chelsea church of Christ, and told me about them being more like a family than a church.  Mr. Flynn doesn't sugar coat anything, and when he starts "ciphering" on a bible subject, you better watch out, because he will hit you will some hard truths, and say it in a way everyone can understand. 
But I must ask again...Who is Flynn Gerald?  Who is this man that instantly makes people feel that he is in charge?  Who is this man that makes others laugh just by him cracking a grin?  He will tell you right away that he loves the Lord.  His children are faithful, and his wife is as sweet as can be, but who is this former Far-East Welterweight Champion boxer, voice throwing extraordinaire, fisherman of any lake or sea, story telling comedian?  He is just Flynn and the stories he tells have kept me laughing for several days.  His tales are told by others with the same hysterical response.  Flynn Gerald is just a man, but his stories are legendary. 
I can't remember all of the Flynn Stories...but I did write down the tagline that was supposed to help me remember the story...Flynn goes to a High School Dance...Flynn closes down Desoto Caverns (I am sure this was probably him throwing his voice)...Flynn scares a recently widowed woman into thinking her husband is alive...Flynn tells me about my best defense....Flynn watches me jump rope (Yeah, I think Flynn just told me to stop, he said it looked like I was having a fit)...Flynn fights the karate champ...Flynn punches the strongest man...Flynn messes with a drunken black man by throwing his voice...Flynn takes Chris fishing during a tornado...Terry throws Flynn through the wall of his garage...Flynn and Brian take turns breaking each other’s ribs...Flynn and the ladies workout sessions...Flynn breaks Chris’s ribs...
And today he turned 80!  Wow, after this parade Mrs. Wanda thought up and Magan facilitating, Mr. Flynn went into his boxing gym and hammered that bag in a way I still would never be able to do.  I would want no part of the ring with him.  I may be able to make it a round in another 10 years.  He is my brother in Christ...and a man I have grown to respect in many ways.  The Junkin van went around the loop for a second time, playing "Eye of the Tiger" in our van...I hope to do this again in another 10 years.  We all stayed within 6 feet for the quarantine, but it was nice to see all of our friends come out and celebrate our good church friend during this difficult time. 



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