Monday, November 30, 2020

Belle turns 11

 Is this real?  I don't think it is, but I will continue to write of this futuristic blog post about my first little girl turning 11.  I bet she will have a great time, and get to invite all of her friends over for a spend the night party.  I bet they will dress up, and play barbies, and even form a chain of hair braiding.  She will probably want an ice cream cake, and I bet Davis will set up a super elaborate set of streamers to help her celebrate her day.  When that day comes, I am pretty sure she will still love American Girl dolls, so she will get the one that has been on her list for so long with the pink hair.  I am not ready for her to be 11, but I am glad that one day her birthday will bring lots of smiles, and even as I sing to her on facetime because I may be away on her actual birthday, she will know that her dad super misses her, and wishes he could have been with her.  Happy Birthday my sweet Belle Belle...when you turn 11, we will go ahead and post this blog with all the pictures.  

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