Monday, November 30, 2020

Around the House

 So what went on during November while we weren't all eating turkey?  Let me look at the pictures and see what we have...A visit from the Sartins included some frisbee golf and a first time visit to the REI store.  REI is apparently Academy for rich people. And thanks to Davis for capturing my picture on the longest and most amazing hole in two that I have ever hit...The kids got a new Trampoline, and the best part is that I did not have to put it together.  Sam, Davis and even Ruby helped put it together.  It was a black friday sale that reminded me of the good ole days, I was at Walmart at 5AM, thru my elbows around a bit and got one of the 8 they had at the Chelsea store.  Checked out and breaking my back to get it into the van by myself by 5:05AM...Ruby lost a front top tooth...Ruby also left a letter for Christopher Poppinkins to see if she would be on the "goob" list or on the "dab"list, luckily, the elf knew she would be on the "goob" side...Magan went thru her pile of clothes in the living room, this time the kids used it as a play ground area...Some excited girls got to hold Eloise for the first time...And our mom hung out with Marcia alot this month, helping her with a cute little turban of dry ice to wear.  

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