Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Marching Around

So what went on this month...

...frisbee golf started back up a bit with some better weather.  My bum knee held out to beat both boys at Veterans Park, but watched Davis give us a run for our money and came in second with his personal record on the course of 64.  And somehow in a conversation on the way home, we were talking about different denominations, and I let them know that most hispanics were hispanic.  Meaning to say they were catholic, it did not come out that way, and we laughed and laughed.  Perhaps a bit delirious for the sun.  And the course was so muddy.  And hahahaha, this was the day Sam smacked the guy directly in the face after we let him play through.  The guy was walking to the next hole very far from the target, he should have no way been in the path of the frisbee, but sam threw it horrible, and yelled "head's up".  The guy kinda of ducked but kept walking directly into the frisbee.   So bad, but so funny later....and at the Inverness course, I set a course record for us of 62, although the course was unusually short based on all the target placements...

...picked on Davis with the Nurse Davis award...small group at the Pounceys, never have I ever heard a husband joke about his wife being a heifer, oh well, she was laughing harder than him, to each his own... Sam and Davis learn some mechanics with Patrick Angell...Ruby and Belle love their new puppet animals...Davis dresses up for st. paddys day, and that was Princess Annas hair that was made into a beard...a visit from eloise, I think her parents may have been there, but no pictures of them...Marcia finishes treatments...

...and Davis finally bought a motorcyle...He has been non-stop making adjustments to it...and constantly tinkering on this and that.  He finally got a job at the concession stand and saved his money to buy this bike from his friend.  I don't think he could be happier.  I am just hoping he doesn't tinker with is so much it breaks.  I have enough problems with breaking cars right now...

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Kentucky Trip - Louisville Slugger and Abe

 So unlike most trips, I had absolutely no plan for this final day, and our drive back to Chelsea.  But when we passed through Louisville, I thought about the bat museum I have always wanted to visit, and Marcia mentioned that we passed right by the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace.  I mapped it out, looked like an adventure to me, so off we went.  

Our first stop was the Louisville Slugger Baseball museum, where we watched how the bats are made for the major league.  It was pretty neat to see how they were made, and the input that each player gets in the bats made for them.  The museum portion let us hold bats that were used live in game by Hank Aaron, Babe Ruth, Willy Mays, and even new stars like Acuna Jr.  Each of our baseball card poses is below should we ever have our own ball card.  

And then we stopped after I took a few wrong turns at Abraham Lincoln's birthplace.  They built a beautiful memorial over his birthplace home, then realized 40 years afterwards that the house wasn't really Lincolns.  Oh well, they then changed there paperwork and pamphlets to let people know the memory was of his symbolic home near the little spring.  The girls all got to work on and earn another jr ranger badge also.  

And how did the Junkin/Sartin journey all good Cracker Barrell.  One last meal before we headed off to our separate homes.  Kids are getting older like my knees...but I think there are more Junkin/Sartin journies up ahead, and can't wait to see what more adventures we will find.