Saturday, March 20, 2021

AHG Adventures

 So I don't know what is happening in these blog posts lately, but they load in backwards order from how I load them.  Maybe I need to figure this out, but often if is late at night as I write these posts, and I am just tired...tonight is one of those nights. But hey, below were some super fun AHG adventures during the last month.  

The biggest adventure was our Orienteering event at Oak Mountain State Park.  This was an official organized event so we were competing against others on the Beginner course.  I have never done one of these before, and it was pretty cool.  You were given a topographical map at the START, and given distance and direction to the next target.  Each target had a timed device, and each team had a "key" that was inserted into each target as we found it.  Ruby got to hold the key for the first 7 targets, and Belle for the remaining 7 targets.  We were joined on this hunt with the Lewis girls, which made it much more fun to have some friends with us.  Magan signed herself up for this, but knew I would love it, and I did.  I did have the print out for the event, but I think we finished at about 2 hours for the full course, not bad placing us in the top 5 of 6 total groups.  Fortunately on this "beginner" journey, our targets happened to be very near a common trail around the park.  But the girls did get to learn a little about topology on the map, and we got to see some of the old building built during FDR period.  Oh, and Robbie also helped them find a cool geocache in the chimney of an old church along the pathway.  And what do you do after an event like go have some fun at the park, then you take the girls out for their very first sneaky pete hot dog.  

And the other adventures included a trip to the pet store with the tenderhearts (Ruby's group) where they had to select a pet, and do some research on the yearly costs of a pet.  Anabelle's explorer group learned about plants and gardening.  And I can't remember what the other event was, but I think it was a normal troop meeting.  

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