Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mother's Day Weekend with MawMaw

 We picked up MawMaw on the way back home after Judy's 70th birthday party.  And we got to enjoy a fun Saturday morning playing babies and sewing machines prior to our trip to Gordo for the wedding.  On our trip to Gordo we found out that finding a place to stop and eat lunch can be difficult with more  and more places closed inside, but we did get a quick lunch leaving Tuscaloosa, realizing later after the wedding that there was plenty we could have had there.  

Jessica's wedding was very pretty, and we were able to visit with family for awhile.  Amazing that we spoke with Lisa and Leslie for the most during this visit with family, yet did not think to take one picture with them.  While a distant facebook relationship with most of the family anymore, Jessica was the one that I reached out to a few years back and helped me with a fun trip back to the farm with the family one December.  And since I watched her grow older and become a MSU bulldog, and now married.  

Ruby's hands were so sweaty as she longed to get on the dance floor, and only with a little encouragement from MawMaw and Magan, she finally got out there and did some dancing.  And I think I danced with MawMaw on the boot scoot boogie.  :)  Glad she didn't mind me stepping on her toes a few times.  The littlest baby at the wedding actually came down the aisle with her momma, the matron of honor...which was Nancy's daughter and new grandbaby.  

And on Sunday, Mawmaw joined us for church, then for our Mother's day tradition...Captain Ds.  I think this is the one time each year we allow for the Captain to destroy our systems.  But we got to give these wonderful ladies some cards (Giant cards that me and the girls had found and hid for 2 weeks) and a necklace the girls picked out for Mom (it had three pieces that made a read "Mom", one "Little Sis" and the other "Big Sis").  

And the facebook post (yeah kids, mom writes there, me here) from the pictures of Magan in her "mother's day picture seat"...Getting a little cramped on that seat.  I don’t know who I was before I was their mom...I think was just wandering around trying to find them.  Love these kids more and more every day.  Happy Mother’s Day to all of you lovely ladies!  Especially to our special mama’s Judy Ratcliff, Rene Burkett Junkin, and Jan Junkin 

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