Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Sam turns 16

 It finally happened, we have another driver in the house.  Sam turned 16 on his birthday this year.  And where did he go for his first voyage alone in the vehicle...Sneaky Petes.  Sam, we love you, and proud of the guy you have grown into...but I found all these other pictures on your momma's phone so apparently she was traveling through memory lane.  

In hindsight, we wish we would have recreated the scared Davis look on the monster truck below...as you guys drove off in the car together the other day.  It is kinda nice that you can run errands for us now.  And super difficult to find presents for you now.  I was glad you let me tag along with you guys on the locked in warehouse mission.  I wish I could have helped more, but had a great time just watching and listening to your crew.  It was fun to laugh with you guys about that one guy that stayed on the line with the hint lady almost the whole time.  "I think it is time for another hint".  Haha...I guess I did help out with "figuring out" how to put a cassette tape in a cassette tape player.  "Move to the side, let the old man thru, I've got this".  

Oh, and I did capture the first person in our house to win Throw Throw Burrito, and you wore the badge with honor.  

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