Tuesday, August 31, 2021

August of Just Us

 So what went on in August...Let's see...Magan had some babysitting time with Ivey, and I know she just hated that...especially by the pictures of that cutie periodically showing up via text...Consignment sale time, so our living room was covered with bags for a few weeks...church small group at the Wests house (and later listening to Scott Vinsant talk about that animatronic cat that apparently was like 20 years old and had multiple strokes...weirdest cat I have ever seen walking)...a night at the Soupy Soup restuarant...Dad leaves to August GA for 3 weeks...Sam pours the cement and gets the plaques placed on the Eagle Scout trail (Sam and I will always remember running as we got ATE UP by mosquitos.  We left immediately, took a bath in OFF spray we found at the local CVS, and only then were able to return and finish the job)...Davis goes ziplining...a scout court of honor...a final Lesson from Mayberry for the summer...back to the theater to see Jungle Cruise (first time since beginning of COVID)

And the blueberry (Blue Van) gets its own paragraph in this blog, as we finally sold what was almost like a family member by this time.  It was delivered to our house brand new in 2006...A 2007 Honda Odyssey EXL with less than 100 miles...When it left our home that day going back to the same place that delivered it (Honda of Jasper) it had logged over 225,000 miles.  Even with the engine trouble, and the battery trouble, and the dents and dings, and the driver side sliding door that buckled up periodically, I hesitated to sell it.  I wish it could have been Davis' car, and I know he felt the same.  It kept our family safe on many a road trip.  It had been to DC, and Orlando, and Ohio, and to many a state park with scouts in tow.  Over 10 years with no car payment on that blueberry, and while it had a periodic hiccup, it was always a good vehicle.  We will miss you blueberry, well, really no one will but me.  Everyone else wanted to get rid of you much earlier.  

Ruby also finally got to have her lemonade stand.  She had used her own money to pay for a lemonade pitcher with dreams of this day.  We got her set up with the shade, but he and Anabelle, and later Sophie and Leyton got everything else including some ice and cups and straws.  They did great, and raised over $40, screaming and running to tell us every time they sold another cup.  One lady even gave a $20 bill and "She did NOT want any change!  We kept asking her".  With their earnings, we went to the snow shack and they picked out their snow cone.  And the left overs went into the collection box the next morning.  Sweet girls, great neighbors, fun day!

And our friend (Jeff Hornsby) from church called the other day with a surprise that is still blowing us away.  He got a deal on two four wheelers (a buy one get one deal).  He only wanted one, so he called us up and GAVE davis the other one.  Yes, Davis is thrilled.  He rides it every day he can.  The motorcycle got pushed to the side, at least for now...as this 4 wheeler is much faster.  And it after getting a new battery, which Davis filled up (I don't know, I am so bad as this stuff), it worked once, then died.  Also the back brakes would not work, so Davis had his work cut out for him.  Until Jeff came back by and picked it up, fixed the battery and the brakes, and now it runs great.  Davis changed the oil the other day for practice (yeah, weird, not my kid).  Amazing gift, and Davis is thrilled.  

Saturday, August 21, 2021

AHG Whitewater Trip

 I am proud of my girls for this real high adventure trip.  They made the boys jealous, as they were planning to go kayaking down the coosa river on this day, but they cancelled their trip due to thunderstorms.  But not these girls!  Magan drove over to the Baileys, and let Ruby spend the day with Savannah, while Elizabeth drove Magan, Sarah Beth, and Belle down to Columbus Ga for this white water extravaganza.  

The AHG had a large group of girls that went on this trip, but also only limited it to the Explorers and up.  Anabelle's crew was captained by a guy that went by the name of "Waffle", and apparently he had a brother that also captained one of these rafts, and his name was "Draino".  Well, Waffle kept our crew safe and they never flipped through any of the rapids.  Magan said that both Belle and Sarah Beth could NOT stop giggling at one rapid where they "surfed" the rapid with water continuously splashing into the front of the boat.  Only one of the AHG boats flipped, and my understanding was that Melissa Amacher was trapped under the boat giving her a little fright, but ok after a while.  

And we did not capture photo evidence, as I would have loved to have seen, but Anabelle jumped off a 10 foot cliff down into the water several times.  Magan texted me this later that evening when she had her phone back and I was so surprised.  I replied that I bet her momma didn't do it, and NOPE, there is no way magan would have ever done that.  

The girls had some fun on the way home with a huge restaurant takeover for the AHG supper, but apparently they had no idea how to give out the checks which led to some very frustrated AHG folks waiting THIRTY minutes to pay for their meal.  Ugh, then outside, Magan said they had parked next to a sketchy car and driver, and with the other girls engaged in some discussions, Magan was able to feel the spidey sense and get Elizabeth to get in the car, and get them out of there.  Then at a coffee shop stop on the way home, they encountered a sketchy lady talking to Sarah Beth, and again they sped out of there.  I asked Magan to write these stories up, but well that aint ever gonna happen...so if you want the deets on these stories, ya gotta ask her.