Thursday, August 12, 2021

Back to School

 It seems like every year at this time, I am always out of town.  So I always miss these first days back.  This year we have two in High School, driving away each morning...One on the middle school bus...and one by herself on the Elementary Bus.  For some reason we did not get the traditional holding up the fingers to designate the year of school you were in, but Sam is at 11, Davis 9, Belle 6, and Ruby 2.  Ruby was excited because she gets to be in Anabelle's teacher's class, Mrs. Cespedes, but sad that she didn't get with all her friends in Mrs. Harper's class.  Sam is in his first year of Career Tech (CTEC) where he is able to go to Columbiana each day to learn Automation and Robotics training.  Davis is learning Spanish, and has joined the HS Robotics team with Sam.  Anabelle is taking the wheel class and learning the random assortment of skills for school. And with a fun name like cespedes, me and Ruby are trying to write a song for her...

We love our Mrs. Cespedes
Our teacher Mrs. Cespedes
Don’t forget about your reading every night
We’re all a great big family
In a classroom made for you and me
Learning the reading, writing, rithmatic of life

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