Saturday, August 14, 2021

Church Youth Back to School Gathering

Well, we had a lot of girls for this event, but only three boys.  We had not had a back to school meeting in a little while, and I thought we could have some fun with it.  Those ladies (Sonja, Linda, Denise and Magan) in the selfie below did an amazing job preparing a full day of activities for the girls to be "Made in God's Image", with presents, and activities.  And well, Me and Brandon talked one night for about 30 minutes for a plan for the boys.  Ha, I think all had a good time, but I know these ladies out prepped us by a long shot.  Brandon and Caleb Norman taught a session on leading singing, and I taught a session on preparing lessons.  Terry gave all of us a challenge to put Faith number 1 in our life when we share with others.  


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