Sunday, October 3, 2021

AHG - Operation Christmas Child

 Each year one of the favorite Fall events is the Operation Christmas Child (OCC) meetings where the girls meet to make presents for children overseas, and then they get to select from a large assortment of toys and clothes to pack boxes for children in need.  Magan puts in alot of shopping time at Walmart looking for $1 clearance items that end up making this box full of lots of fun items.  The girls also get to decorate their boxes and place letters in the boxes that make their way to another little girl or boy.  A fun event and you get service hours...yep, always one of their favorites.  I missed the OCC box suit that the girls wore last year.  

From Magan via Facebook...Big Meeting today! OCC boxes are packed and ready!  The girls did a great job making and decorating their boxes.  Helen and Ruby said the sweetest prayers for our boxes and for those who will receive them. They made Veterans Day event letters and we kicked off our fundraiser!

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