Sunday, October 31, 2021

Around the House

So the stories of this month...Mrs. Lisa visited the Chelsea church and reunited with the original book club kids...My sweet Aunt Yvonne passed away...Ruby decorated a pumpkin for school with a book report on "The Giving Tree".  When Magan handed her the plastic pumpkin to paint green, she asked not once, but twice, "Mom, how did they get all the stuff out of this pumpkin, and get it back together again"...Ruby falls asleep at school...I love catching scenes of Sam playing with his little sister.  They are buddies and do chat often.  She told me the other day with a sad voice that she doesn't get to see Sam very much anymore (He had alot of activities after school)...School dress up days...Sam and Davis go to the fair and enjoy the weekend in Cullman during the AHG campout...My first time teaching the K-3 class for a quarter (cute kids!  Scared faces were from King Ahaziah's hand shrinking when he was not nice to the prophet)...October is always the busiest month of the year at our house, but doesn't bring any less smiles, or at least we don't let them be captured by the camera.  

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