Saturday, September 30, 2023

Holy Cow, Now that was a full month...

Lots of pictures, so I will try to capture a few words for all the fun stuff going on around our house this month.   Emily Bookout gave the girls her old band twirling flags, and it has become a fun hobby for both Ruby and Belle.   Magan is often out there showing them some ole "tricks of the trade".   Ruby is always dancing and showing me new cheerleading cheers.   And they both let me watch them practice their twirling least for the little bit I can stand it.  Love you girls, but this is very difficult for me to sit and watch.   

We get pictures each gameday of Sam from other scout parents when he goes and visits the Troop 354 scout manned gates.   He is good to interact with all the young scouts, and they see him as a Troop 354 Eagle, but often they are just old buddies that he is looking to see again.   But I always enjoy the pics or texts I get from friends saying "I saw Sam today".   Sam has made that campus his home, and sent me pictures of first College Gameday when Texas was playing on the first day of college football, then sent me pics of SEC Nation, where he got to see Tim Teebow, and actually made it into the background during the televised show.   He has sent us pics from the Natural History museum on campus, and tells me basically he hangs out on campus all day studying at the libraries when not in class.   He has joined Freshman Honors, which is a leadership group helping them both with leadership qualities and plans for serving the local community.  And he has joined the E-CAR project where his electrical engineering friends are designing the electrical system in an all-electric vehicle.   School, Study, Eat, Sleep...that seems to be his response to what he does...but there is a fair amount of card-playing going on, and lots of activities with the church group.   Glad to see he is doing well.  

Ruby's friend at Dunkin Donuts downtown is always bringing her a smile.   I don't know how he really latched onto her, maybe he has guessed that the frequent visits to UAB are not just for play time, but he has been a really sweet friend, always treating her to a few extra donuts, or a drink of her own, when Magan gets her coffee fix.   And since they are there 2 times a week, she has even taken him some gifts.  The running joke at home is that she is going to turn from Vitiligo Ruby into Fat Ruby with her new friend.   She is hilarious when she shows you "Big Ruby" in her deep voice.   She handles the treatments very well, and I know that no how big she gets, we will love her.   And when not parking at Dunkin Donuts, there was an amazing adventure for Magan, where for the first time, she parallel parked the van right in front of the doctors office (Bravo Magan!).  

More front porch pictures, more memories of a few stories during that wait for the bus.  This month always involves us chatting as she pics up all of the blow up halloween decorations.   Magan posted a pictures about one of her best views was from the front porch looking in...yet is was a picture of her front porch looking out...but it is a good song regardless of how the words are used.   

Yes, Halloween decorations went out on Labor Day weekend.   That is the new standard for Magan, and this year was a challenge because Sam was not there.   If there was ever a good helper for anyone, it is Sam.   Oh, clearly he out helps his dad, Davis and Belle are complaining helpers, and Ruby seems to always have something else to do.   But it was all put out, I went out for a little bit, I wish I could do better, and I am sure will have to move into a better helper role when all of our slaves have moved out of the house, but until then, decorating in general I push to the minions.   

We had a good meal with some Ratcliffs, and enjoyed some good family time.   No matter the reason for getting together, being with family is always a good thing.   AHG is back in full swing, meetings started back up with 2 each month.   The girls had fun with the annual packing for the Operation Christmas Child event.  I got to visit school and eat lunch with Ruby finally...and was one week from Crispito day, but Ruby made us some sandwiches on the night prior, so we had a good meal...neither of us wanted the chicken sandwiches that were on the menu for that day.   There was a night with Bennet and Ansley Dean over to play goat lords with us, and me and Bennett pulled it out at the very end with some lucky wild cards...then chants of "Boys Rule and Girls Drool".   The last of our small group that had been together through 2022 and 2023...we have a new one, and have yet to meet...maybe we are burned out...or maybe months like these are just too full.  I played actual real golf at an actual real course at a work tournament.   And while inconsistent, on a team scramble, I did have two chip shots used, no drives, 2 putts (one a 20 foot crazy lucky sink for birdie), and one (yes, just one) amazing shot (for me) with an 8 iron on a par 3 dropping it a few club lengths from the hole.  And Belle is in the choir again this year, and they had their first concert in Montevallo this month...I think I was returning on the corporate jet (yes, humbly sad) that day and missed that event.  

Sam calls about once a week from school on facetime, mainly to chat with his mom.   Dad's are not good chatters, I found that out quickly with my dad, and quickly became that same dad when dealing with phone conversations.  Sam told us about going to Lake Lurleen and hiking with his friend Brendan, then he showed us the horrible poison ivy rash he had gotten...did he take all of his poison ivy medicine?   Nope, he would not need that at college.   We all miss him, or at least Me and Magan and Belle and Ruby miss him, but the littlest one talks about him often, keeps him in her prayers, and we caught a picture of her cleaning the dish washer, first writing his name up there.   I have seen her screams and running full out for a hug when I get home from work in Georgia...and now Sam has seen it as well.   And I watched them both hold tightly wondering how they could be so close, but love that they are...finally letting go after a few spins around and around.   

With work travel going up slightly, I have had to stop teaching the kids as much, but I got an opportunity on a Wednesday night and introduced some new ways to Bible Drill that the kids really liked.   We first had a game where the kids had 5 bibles across 5 seats...for the first they had to turn to Psalms, then Matthew, then 1 Samuel, then Isaiah, then Genesis.   And with a staggered start, and three of them playing at the same time, it became a mad dash to catch the next person.   The kids cheered as Ruby once chased me down to beat me.   Then another version was to pick one book and flip to hit and pass to the next person that did the same.   We did this with about 12 bibles scattered on the table and about 4 players...and the trick was not to let the bibles start stacking up on you.   It was super fun, but the best was when class was over, they all asked if they could keep playing...which they did...until the adults finally had to come get them because it was time to go home.   I just sat and watched...smiling at the laughter. 

So if facebook is still around in the future, you will need to watch the videos of Anabelle on 9/22/23 on Magan's post.   It is here you will watch the videos of her getting her braces stuck into the rug.   You will hear in those videos screaming and laughter all at the same time, and perhaps an indicator of this being a normal event, I never walked into the living room even after hearing all the commotion in the room next door.   I witnessed this craziness with everyone else on the facebook post.   Davis had to get his knife down there and cut her free from the rug...and all the brackets remain in place and undamaged.   What in the world?   Only Anabelle...well, I think her and Davis were wrestling and perhaps he pushed her head into the rug.   But at this point, I am just guessing.   It was very humorous later.   

And finally, Magan and I had a fun night out where we got to see speeches from Ken Ham and Martin Iles from the "Answers in Genesis" ministry.   I do buy several books, and have had a subcription to the magazine a couple of times, but I do not see how I got into the email group for this.   It was basically a dinner event (free date for me and magan) to see and hear some people I love to see and hear.   We had some relatively fun discussions with the group at the table with us.   Then afterwards we got to meet Ken Ham (CEO)...and well, he is not really a sean of the south, but he did smile for the picture...although I don't know if he was really listening to anything we said.   Oh well, that guy has done alot, and it was definately cool to hear him speak about the upcoming changes and updates with the company.  I did post about this event, and I will close this blog with a few of the comments received that put me on the floor laughing.   MawMaw, I asked Magan if you would care if I posted, and she agreed with me that you would laugh with us about them... [Scott's thoughts]

Jan Junkin:  I want to go there [Ark Encounter] if you go again before I get too old.   I realize you may be going with your family.   Just thought I'd mention it.

Scott Junkin:  Jan Junkin...sounds like another road trip! [and yes MawMaw, I am trying to work this out sometime maybe next year]

Jan Junkin:  Scott Junkin...I'm ready when you are except I've got a funeral to go to in Indiana I guess.   My best friend from 1962 is now dead [honestly, I had to admit it, but because of how direct this was said, it was a little funny]

Jan Junkin:  I worded that crudely.   She passed away today [Yes, better said]

Jane Tate (This is our friend Linda Kenwright from the Chelsea Congregation, apparently changing her name keeps her anonymous):   Jan Junkin... - Bless You

Jan Junkin:  I found out after that she really had not passed, but was very very weak and not expected to make it [In my warped sense of humor, this put me to the floor...She's dead, sorry...she passed away, nevermind, she is alive, but almost dead....tears were rolling down my cheeks...such a funny exchange...and MawMaw, when we get to have that road trip...I will bring this story back up, cause I am positive we will both be laughing together]