Monday, September 4, 2023

A Day for Labor

We were excited to be together with family, but probably even more excited that Sam had come home for at least a night or two for this holiday.  We all played some Phase 10 that night he arrived, and while I am never a big fan of that game, I am always a big fan of sitting with the whole family playing games together.  We got to visit with new Granny Tera, and MawMaw rode up and back with us to the gathering at Granny and Granddaddy's.  

I don't remember much of this day, probably because it took me so long to get to these blogs, but I do remember Magan telling us about her adventure at S&S to pick up a few cokes for the gathering.   She said that when she pulled the two liters off the shelf, the entire shelf broke and then 90 other 2 liters starting falling around her like Tokyo in 1945, with the final two cokes landing directly on the edge of the broken shelf, busting open, and spewing all over.   Magan said she don't remember much, as it was all so surreal, but she knows she was screaming the whole time those coke bombs were dropping to the floor.   Then a worker ran over, but never asked if she was ok, never asked what happened, just went directly to contain the spewing coke.   In her dreamlike state, not realizing if this was even happening, she backed out of that row, and went down the next...where a little old lady in a walker was the only one to even acknowledge the event, by saying to her "I am glad you did not get hit".   Kids, I will never write this story as well as your mom acts it out, bring it up, and I am sure she will remember.  Sam and I cracked up just hearing the retelling so I could write it down. 

Most of the boys went to play frisbee golf, I can't remember why I stayed, maybe to talk more, maybe stomach hurt, maybe just not to get beat again by Colby, I can't remember.   Lots of pictures, a photo recreation, lots of smiles.   I remember playing with my good bud Andrew and John's girls...them laughing and squeeling as they tried to get past me.   Will I be able to do this for the next generation?   I don't know.   The knees are struggling already, but as long as I can hear the laughter of those little faces, I know I will try.   

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