Friday, September 15, 2023

A visit down memory lane...September 1988

Granddaddy:  This won't mean a lot to anyone else, but in 1981, the day before Scott's 2nd birthday, I walked into Astro Paint in Woodlawn, AL, and started learning about automotive Paint.   From Astron to Southern PBE [I think this was a meat company], ARD to Sherwin Williams, PPG to Reids Auto Color, Thompson PBE [maybe it is not a meat thing], to Fenders & More/Keystone, then finally found a home for 24.5 years at Rozars Auto Paint Supply.   Never dreamed that 42 years later, I would still be selling Paint, but it's been a good [perhaps ride, the message goes blank here as Granddaddy reflects], taking us from an apartment and 1 little boy to a house full of loving family.   I am blessed as I never could have wished.   

Granny:  I remember that little boy wanted to go to work with his Dad and playing in the store window [I remember is vague but still there...the boxes made into cars is a slightly more clear image] 

Granddaddy:  Made cars out of boxes, with gallon lids for tires and a steering wheel [Ha...I remember the steering wheel being the best part, but I could not remember what was used]

Granddaddy:  2 bedroom apartment, 2 bedroom townhouse, 3 bedroom house in Clay [Here is my first memory...scorpion stung me here, and watching He-Man before church on Sundays], 3 bedroom house in center point down the street from MawMaw and PawPaw [I can see the hallway, and the step down into what probably was a garage, but was our living room...I remember this is where I hid the note from school when I was in trouble], finally bought a house in Pinson [This is the source of a crazy amount of dreams, I still walk in this home often, I still hear Queen's "Another one Bites the Dust" with mom in a crazy outfit popular in the 80s, I hear mom reading me all the bible stories from Maxwell's series, I feel the pain of my hand busting into Dad's rear car light after crashing my bike, I can hear the helicopter come to airlift the bicycle rider to the hospital, of course I feel the burn of pot pie, I see my skin turning white and falling off later as it was dressed and redressed, I see Tera bringing me the Karate Kid and Mr. Miyagi for Christmas, because Santa dropped them on the front lawn...this was the home I saw as I read "The Incredible Shrinking Man" when in high school...and the home where we first experienced the VHS tape...then couldn't use it after granddaddy would not let us tape over Spencer's Mountain}, Mammaw and Pappaws house for 2 months [nightmares of this house that finally ended, but left some emotional scars...I blame dad for letting me watch the first scene of Children of the Corn...that destroyed me...the coolest back yard here, and a sad moment after shooting a bird with a BB gun here], then Idle Acres since 1988, settled down and raised up a family.  

Granddaddy:  35 years ago, the little tree in front of the house closest to the sidewalk is the tree there now.   [I remember the mud and the puddles scene in the pic below.   I remember the backyard mostly...ladders into the trees...setting up booby traps with the tree branches]

Thank you granddaddy for the trip down memory lane.   Would have been easier if you just captured this in a blog 35 years ago.  Love you Dad! :)   

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