Friday, September 29, 2023

Ay No! Cuarenta y Cuatro

Slowly rolling down the hill into the eventual grave, it was nice to pause a moment and have all the kids home for a little celebration...and as usual, I get to share it with my birthday buddy Ruby.   The streamers are always there, maybe one day when the kids are gone, these streamers will be a thing of the past, but everyone must stop what they are doing and watch the video of the birthday person slamming thru all the streamers.   We thought Davis did my numbers incorrectly in the dining room, but he said look in the mirror, and when I looked in the mirror that I typically face during the workday at home, I saw he had it perfect.  

Magan surprised us with some bundlet cakes...not really with the cakes, but with the flavor of churros.   While these were a limited edition, maybe just one that we all could share would have been good, but all were churros, and we all silently thought about the lemon bundlet that is the best.   Magan agreed as well, but in the end, these little cakes are better than most any other cakes, regardless of the flavor.   

I do remember blowing out the candles early just to make Magan mad trying to get the video...44 years, but just a giant kid inside.  Belle got me a coupon for her to make her world famous brownies, which I cashed in on shortly afterwards.   She really does make the best brownies, I don't know how they are perfect, and she always brings me the corners.   Something about the eggs makes hers gooeyer.   Ruby got me the Clue Junior game, which has quickly become a favorite with me and her...currently she has won 3 times, me once.   Mom got me all my favorite candies, and Sam brought me a plastic pizza cutter he grabbed at some job fair swag.   

All the family together for one night, as me and Davis were planning to drive to Mobile the next day for the battleship.   But we were glad we had kept a seat at the table for Sam, I was glad for a big hug from him.   Oh, and why Bruce Lee and Ghenghis Khan?   To help me remember that Ruby got these gifted to her from another family at church, and she asked if the Bruce Lee one was the same guy after his battle.   

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