Sunday, July 27, 2008

A program you should try

I am going to post a quick blog about this program that I have been using. You can download it for free through Google and it is called PICASA. It allows you to enhance your photos. I have had a blast playing with it. One day I will buy a better program but it will be a little while before that dream will become a reality, this has proven to be a great substitute.
Here are some of the pictures I have enhanced using it.
They are roaring like the lion, hee hee!

This is how the picture looked originally. Pretty big difference, huh.

This is Caroline a friend of mine's beautiful girl.

These last two pictures are my sisters :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Kids these days

I took Sam to the bathroom at Milos yesterday. After finishing ourbusiness, we went to wash our hands. I finished first and pulled twotowels from the dispenser. Sam walked up the the paper towel dispenserand started waving his hand in front of it. After the towels did not"automatically" feed down towards his little hands, he looked up at meand said "It's broke, DaDa". Laughing I showed him the "old-fashionedway" of pulling the sheet down.

Sam came in giggling and said "Like Grandaddy!" Magan cracked up and had to take a picture for grandaddy. Sam did it all himself. Magan sent this out in email, and it cracks me up, so I think it is definately bloggable.

Snippets from Dad

Late at night I was outside taking out the trash and saw the lightningbugs in the backyard. I went to catch one and show to the boys, butfound out that this was much more difficult than I remembered as achild. With no luck, I went inside and told Sam that I tried to catchhim a lightning bug, but they were too fast. He said OK, and went abouthis business. Later as we were getting Sam in bed, he remembered what Ihad said, but a little differently. He said "DaDa, why you not catchthem thunder flies?" Magan and I got a kick out of that...funny howthese little ones hear things.

Davis is either growling or screaming...all the time. Davis seems tothink sneezing is pretty funny right now. Picking him up by his feet,not good, lots of screaming. Not giving him food when he notices it orsmells it or hears it from anywhere on the main floor of our house, notgood, lots of screaming. Trying to make the kid stand up, not good,lots of screaming. Did I mention he is the cutest little buddy you willever meet...until you cross him, not good, lots of screaming.

Sam is jumping everywhere...hollering VOLCANO as he jumps to the ground.He is crazy. Magan told me that Sam was hugging on my shoulder inchurch the other day, he looked over to her, smiled, and said "I likeDaDa". I kinda like him too.

Follow up on Dr. Visit

She told me that she wanted to go ahead and set up an appointment with a foot doc. just to be sure for about 3 wks. from now. What she hopes is that he will start walking before then, and she said she sees no reason why he shouldn't. The way he climbs and crawls all suggest that he should be able to, but for whatever reason he just hasn't let go to do it. One thing she did notice was that he is a little bit flat footed but she said that isn't something to worry about right now. She also told me to let him try to learn barefooted, I thought that it would be better to put shoes on him, but she doesn't think so.

If you look at his feet in this picture you can see what I mean when I say his feet turn outward.

She said that alot of what Sam is doing is just his personality, but to keep giving him opportunities to tell me why he doesn't want to. Hopefully when he starts verbalizing why he is shy or scared to do something then he will gradually learn to talk through his fears and I can reinforce that there is nothing to be afraid of.

Last night he went to class with the new teacher he has been afraid of!!!!
I told him that if he feels scared and needs help that I would be in the classroom right beside him and he could come and get me. His teacher said he would say over and over "I hear my momma" "That's my momma right dere" When he came out of class he was soooo proud of himself, he said "I didn't need momma's help, I did it all by myself" He kept smiling and hugging me all night even after church and he ran to tell his dad.

It is so precious to me that he wanted to do good, but he was really afraid. Maybe we are getting somewhere. Prayer REALLY makes a difference, thanks for those of you who said a prayer for us.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sometimes We Just Don't Have The Answer

It was nap time and Davis was crawling out of that water as fast as he could :)

I just got home from going to the zoo with 2 of my sisters and between us we had 6 kids. It was soooo much fun, but my little Sam (who I keep thinking of as the BIG brother, instead of my 3 yr. old) has recently started getting really nervous around a lot of kids and teachers in Bible class that he doesn't know very well.
I think it is his being aware of things more than he used to be. It is a struggle for us as parents, b/c we don't know if it is something he will grow out of or something that we should try to help him through. I know that he has his own personality, I just don't know if social skills are something we need to try to develop, or if trying to force him into something like that would be more harmful than helpful.
We have a Dr. appointment for Davis tomorrow to look at his feet to make sure they aren't turning outward to much. Which is another concern for us as parents right now. He is almost 18 mo. and still not walking. I am going to see what she thinks about Sam as well. So if you can, say a little prayer for us. We want to do what is best for them. I know we shouldn't worry, but sometimes it is really hard to remember that.
I was listening to one of those country songs (country almost always makes me cry)
The one about "One Day You'll Miss This" I started crying of course when it talked about having one kid crying and the other one screaming while she was on the phone, and that is ME most days. I know that I will miss this sooooo much when Davis' little arms aren't short and fat and wrapped around my kneck while his little hand pats me on the back. I know I will miss Sam talking nonstop and crawling in my lap with a smile saying you're a "dirl" and "I like you momma". I LOVE those little boys soooo much!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

An Awesome 4th!

We had the best holiday! We started the day at a birthday party. Sam played fishing and never put his pole down the whole party. Scott will hopefully get to take the boys or at least Sam fishing for real fish some time soon. It isn't Scott's favorite thing, but Sam may end up loving it.
Davis sat in the pool of fake fish and made that little fish sound while he chewed on a few of them.
After the party we went home and napped, only to wake up in time to leave again. We had chicken at Zaxby's. I splurged on the Zalad I always want, but never get, and it was DELICIOUS.

Then we went to see WALL-E which was the boys first movie. Unless you count Narnia that Sam saw about 20 min. of at 9 months. Anyway, we were blown away by the fact that we didn't have to leave the movie one time for potty time or crying babies. The both LOVED it and Davis just ate his snack in Scott's lap when he started getting restless.

This is outside of the movie in the arcade. No need for change yet, just sitting there is enough to make them happy.

At the beginning of the movie, Sam would say "IT's really dark, it's a wittle bit dark, oooo momma it's dark in here;" along with a giggle of excitement between previews. Davis just said "wow" and "uh oh" about a hundred times during the movie and looked at us and back at the screen with his big brown eyes :) They both got excited when the rocket ship took off.

The movie itself wasn't what I had expected it to be at all! I was a little bit disgusted in parts, but I guess it had a good message, in a weird way.

After the movie we got ice cream, it was Sam's first cone!

Scott had bought about $10 worth of fireworks, b/c he wasn't really sure how much the kids would be into them. We have decided that we need to get some of the real stuff next year. The bottle rockets weren't going over to well, but the snake ones were a huge hit. They were pretty cheesy, but both of the boys loved them. Sam was jumping and Davis was going SSSSSSSS. The best part was touching the snake (which were pretty much ashes) and stomping on what was left on the ground. Sam cracked me up when Scott picked it up for him to touch it, he jerked back as he touched it as if it was going to bite him :) I guess it was that real to him. When we got finished with our $10 worth of excitement, we drove around the neighborhood with the windows down and enjoyed eveybody elses fireworks and the wind on our faces. Davis was in my lap up front and Sam was "in the back" which is so special to him. It was a fun day full of memories!